Categories: Updates

Smart Navigation is Back!

We have just finished “refurbishing” our

Smart Navigation

As some of you already know (from yesterday Facebook Live), we have just finished “refurbishing” our Smart Navigation in order to accommodate all the changes we have recently made at dashboard level, namely:

  1. Targets Dashboard (Live since Jan)
  2. Targets Search Term Dashboard (Live since Jan)
  3. Negative Targets Dashboard (NEW!)
  4. Negative Keywords Dashboard (NEW!)
  5. Campaign Negative Keywords Dashboard(NEW!)

We decided to group all these new pages (and required navigation icons), under a newly introduced “compass” icon.

Once clicked, a Pop-up will show, with bigger finger-friendly buttons (for those of you working on a touch screen!)!

Each button has descriptions to explain all the complex routing within your account entities (we are still working on ordering and wordings, so what you see now is not final).

Hope you will like it!

Additional Updates:

  • Export, Date Range Filters, Normal & Advanced Search are all working fine now.
  • We are now working on enabling Bulk Editor for all the new dashboards
  • Support for Rules and PGNs are forthcoming very soon.

We’re always looking for the next BIG Idea!

If you have a fantastic idea for us, then we’re all ears.

We’re always on the lookout for fresh ideas to improve our current features and to create brand-new ones.

Especially if it builds on what we already have.

At Zon.Tools we live and breathe our core brand values, and all new features or ideas need to reflect these values.

  • Must Save Time
  • Must Save Money
  • Must Make Make More Money whilst Saving Time
  • Must Improve Structure
  • Tested, not Guru regurgitated

So if you think you have an idea that fits the bill and has the potential to become a major help in your workflow or how you optimize your PPC, we would love to hear from you!

Also published on Medium.

Tarik Ozkan

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Published by
Tarik Ozkan
Tags: Update

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