7 Amazing Amazon PPC and Sponsored Product Hacks

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amazon ppc hacks

As the most valuable public company in the world, Amazon provides great income opportunities. Thanks to its ease of use and quick delivery, it’s immensely popular Better yet, it makes it convenient for sellers to use their platform to distribute their products.

The challenge, however, is the sheer number of people using it. Like getting a stall at a crowded market, many sellers can find it difficult to get noticed among the crowd.

Luckily there are a few things you can do to increase your visibility. If you’re looking for PPC hacks and sponsored product tools to increase your sales keep reading. Here are 7 Amazon PPC hacks to help you dominate the Marketplace.

1. Find Your Opportunity

To succeed in the Amazon Marketplace, you need to find a product that people want. There’s no point in placing your effort, time, and money into something that won’t sell.

Start by finding a category that doesn’t require permission. This allows you to get started immediately without waiting through an approval process.

There are five factors you’ll look for to determine if a product will be successful

  1. The best-seller in the category is ranked under 5000. This ensures that there is an active market for it.
  2. There are more than 100,000 searches for the top three keywords.
  3. It has less than 50 reviews. Reviews are a powerful way of increasing your visibility, so the fewer the competition has, the better your chances.
  4. The product weighs less than 2lbs, saving you Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) shipping and storage fees.
  5. The product is durable enough to be damaged during delivery.

2. Nail Your Keywords

The number one way to rank in a customers search query is to use the same language as them. That’s where the magic of keywords comes on.

Using keyword research tools will help you narrow down which terms best apply to your product. The most important consideration is the relevance of the keyword. There’s no point in using a high-ranking keyword if it doesn’t directly apply to your keyboard.

When you run a PPC campaign, monitor the effectiveness of the keywords you use. Since your Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS) has a huge impact on your margins, eliminate any keywords that don’t result in sales.

As important as finding relevant keywords is including negative keywords. These are terms and phrases that you can have excluded from search results.

Flagging negative keywords helps maximize your ACoS as it reduces the number of people that stumble on your product unintentionally. It also helps you more directly target your audience in a PPC campaign.

3. Write Great Product Descriptions

People love stories. Use this to your advantage when crafting your product descriptions. It gets your audience engaged, keeping them on your product page longer.

Listing the benefits and key features of your product is good. But telling your customer how those same benefits and key features will help them and others is even better. It builds a narrative around your product, helping your customers get invested in it.

Use longtail keywords throughout your description. This optimization trick will help Amazon’s search algorithm find your product.

4. Insert Keywords in the URL

The canonical URL is the URL that shoppers will see when visiting your product page. It’s also the link that you’ll use when promoting your product.

Including your keywords in it helps boost your search ranking. 

5. Keep Your Pricing Structure Flexible

Everyone’s looking for a deal. Having a flexible pricing strategy reduces the risk that you’ll lose a sale to a lower-priced item.

You can manage this manually if you only have a few items to sell. However, if you’re selling a number of items, you can use Amazon’s algorithm to make adjustments for you. This is a quick and easy way to make sure that your prices stay competitive within your category.

6. Use the Right Ad Type in Your Campaign

There are four different types of Amazon ads you can use. Each has benefits and drawbacks, depending on the goal of your campaign and the audience you’re trying to reach.

Sponsored Products promote specific products. You can assign the keywords and attributes for your product and set your cost-per-click amount. Your ad then appears on the results page of a relevant search.

Sponsored Brands allows you to promote your brand as a whole. Your ad would include your logo, a headline, and product images. Shoppers could then either visit your brand’s store or go to specific product pages.

Lockscreen Ads are exclusive to Kindle and Fire devices and allow for advertisements on those tablets’ lock screens and homepages. 

Product Display Ads push traffic toward targetted products using display ads. These ads can be displayed offsite as well as on Amazon.

When you’re building your advertising campaign, you need to consider where your ads will be best served. Do you want them to be adjacent to search results? Would you generate more traffic if they’re near the related products?

Also, ask what you want to promote? Do you have a product that you know is a must-have, and want to get that seen? Or are you building a brand, and want to use that to promote the individual products?

Knowing what your goals are will help you build the right strategy to achieve them. This will help determine which ad-type best serves your needs.

7. Remove Poor-Selling Products

As much as your success depends on choosing the right products, it’s equally important that you recognize the wrong product. Any item that doesn’t offer a positive return on your investment needs to be eliminated, making room for something that will perform better.

Your time and money are too valuable to spend on something that doesn’t generate interest. Proper optimization and strategy-building require effort that should be rewarded.

Regularly going through your sales figures will allow you to identify where your efforts should be going.

Final Thoughts on Amazon PPC Hacks

Succeeding in the Amazon Marketplace depends on having the right product at the right price. You need to offer what people want at a price they’re willing to pay.

Using the above Amazon PPC hacks will help you get your products in front of the right buyers. They’ll help you spend your money efficiently by better targeting your audience.

For more tips, tools, and tricks visit our blog.

Also published on Medium.

Tarik Ozkan

Tarik Ozkan

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