Amazon as a Content Platform: 5 Reasons You Should Be Using It!

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On average, the perception out there is that people go on Amazon to only shop and not for content. This perception is wrong! Amazon currently represents the most excellent content marketing opportunities you can find, because 64% of Americans have Amazon Prime, and 55% begin their product searches on Amazon.

There is a vast consumer market on the platform in search of your kind of product or service. And reaching them can be made easier by sharing your videos, blogs, social media posts, etc. via Amazon posts. So, rather than looking at Amazon as merely a sales platform, you might want to try to complement your Amazon search strategy and SEO strategy with one another.

In this article, I’ll show you five reasons why, as an Amazon seller, you need to use Amazon as a content platform to push out your marketing and conversion strategies.

1. Using Amazon as a Content Platform can Puts You at the Top of Search Results (and Trust)

When you use any of the search engines to look for a product, such as a nail polish, the search results draw up multiple listings. From these results, you can find manufacturer’s listings and promotion of their products and likewise Amazon listings. If you look closely, you will find that there are more Amazon listings in several content-based forms: bestsellers, new hot releases, top-rated, most-wished-for products.

Screenshot of top result keyword of Amazon Listing on Google search results - one of the reasons why using Amazon as a Content Platform is one of the best form of marketing

The reason is that Amazon has become a worldwide trusted brand. Its consistent and transparent product experience makes it more endearing to the hearts and minds of consumers. Therefore when selling Amazon, you can associate your products to a brand customers know and trust. Additionally, with your Amazon posts, you get instant access to a ton of reviews. Most consumers feel more confident, relying on reviews from a neutral party versus known brands pushing their products. For example, a consumer looking for writing service reviews from the Online Writer Rating website is more likely to engage their services when they read reviews on their Amazon posts.

2. Amazon Provides You with the “Amazon Effect”

Leveraging the “Amazon Effect” is where a customer purchases one item but ends up getting a cartful of things, even those they never knew you needed. Your brand can fully maximize potential customers ‘browsing and buying’ mindsets by presenting them with relevant content via your Amazon posts. Make sure your posts are personalized, relevant, and targeted for the right moment. Your target moment can include posting when a customer is considering a competitor’s product or service.

Furthermore, if you already have a well-optimized eCommerce website, you don’t need to start selling on Amazon to benefit from this effect. Instead, you can begin by implementing Amazon Pay on your eCommerce store. This way, you allow your customers to pay using their saved information from Thus, they enjoy convenient checkout and the same level of trust that customers have in Amazon’s reputation transfers to your brand.

3. Amazon’s Editable Format Lets You Customize Your Content

Every potential customer has a distinct personality and motivation when it comes to shopping. The Amazon platform is flexible enough to create and design content that aligns with your target audience’s unique needs. It also gives you the leverage to tweak and adjust your content immediately when the need arises.

When you consider placing the “Amazon Effect” against the classic marketing funnel, your “search” will usually fall within the top funnel (TOFU) stage, and your “reviews” may land within the middle or bottom-funnel (MOFU/BOFU) stages. It goes to show that consumer browsing and online purchase behavior is very fluid. So, by using Amazon, you get the leverage to customize your content to cater to all consumer types irrespective of where they are in the funnel at any given moment.

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4. Amazon Provides You with Powerful marketing tools to Drive Sales.

With the proper presence and content, your Amazon posts can accomplish key marketing objectives such as awareness, consideration, and authenticity. Although these objectives are usually more successful in a physical store, Amazon can help your online store create the same atmosphere for your clients. It does this by providing ways in which consumers can scan packaging, get detailed information and reviews, or ask questions. Some of the other product marketing tools on Amazon to engage when pushing your content can include:

  • Launching an email marketing campaign
  • Joining your product listings’ Q&As on Amazon
  • Scheduling limited-time promotions
  • Using the Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) shipping services
  • Revamping your product packaging
  • Creating a social media marketing strategy
  • Partnering with an agency affiliated with Amazon

5. Amazon Lets You Stay Ahead Of Competition by Selling Related Products

Amazon users often browse for related content when searching for a product. So the critical strategy for your brand, in this case, will be making your products visible in the “related products” section of an Amazon page. A vital tip here is to know and use Amazon Marketing Services (AMS). The service increases your product and content visibility to the right consumers at the right time. You can also include target keywords and create your content around user interests when advertising products similar to yours or your competitors’.

Amazon Lets You Stay Ahead Of Competition by Selling Related Products Image

Some crucial elements to take note of when creating your campaigns are:

  • Editing your content copy to carry the appropriate keywords, upper and lowercase casing
  • Include creativity to every content you plan to post
  • Solve consumer needs and address their questions better than your competitors
  • Please do not fail to let your brand story shine through to connect with the audience
  • Make use of call to action CTAs
  • Do not exaggerate or make use of unverifiable statements.

Conclusion about using Amazon as a Content Platform

Implementing Amazon as a content strategy for your business is a significant step to take toward eCommerce success. However, there is always more you can learn and do to build your business. Having an online store of your own to work alongside your Amazon sales can open up more opportunities than when you’re using just one or the other.

Frank Hamilton has been working as an editor at review service Best Writers Online. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing, and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German, and English.

Tarik Ozkan

Tarik Ozkan

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