Get Protected: Why You Should Enroll in Amazon’s Brand Protection Program

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Every business owner looks forward to growing their business to great heights. Along with the pandemic derailing various companies with different interruptions and delays, and some of their transactions fail to see the light of day. Furthermore, some companies experience intellectual property theft and see competitors copying their products or content without any modifications.

Now, it’s vital for a business to register its trademark and enroll in Amazon’s Brand Protection Program. Not only does it prevent counterfeiting, but it also gives you ultimate control over your brand experience. Read on as we share why you need to enroll in Amazon’s Brand Protection Program and why it can be vital for your Amazon SEO.

Prevent hijacking of your listings

Various sellers get affected by some serious problems, such as people who hijack their listings. But, how do they hijack listings that belong to other people?

Amazon hijackers steal your Buy Box, detail page and even have the audacity to give you some negative reviews. Not only does this affect your trademark, but it also affects how Amazon works.

Registering to Amazon Brand Registry provides ample protection against these hijackers as it removes copyright infringement and false details about your brand. Moreover, it also proactively removes people who engage in copyright infringement and plagiarism. Plus, it allows you to secure your page and product pages by including more accurate information about your brand.

Find and easily report copyright infringement

According to Amazon, the brands that join the Brand Registry Protection Program share that most alleged copyright infringements decreased as opposed to those brands that did not enroll. Generally, registering to the program means you are securing your seller profile and need not worry about those hijackers any longer!

Do note that if these hijackers plan on doing something malicious towards your account, expect a quick investigation after notifying Amazon within the first 24 hours. Come to think of it, it’s quite fast, right?

Another fact that you need to know, registering for the program allows you to access another tool that’s vital to your shop. Amazon Project Zero gives business owners an added security layer that will help prove a brand’s authenticity. It also adds another process for products to be quickly filed and protected, and this is through a serialization system.

Get Protected: Why You Should Enroll in Amazon's Brand Protection Program Pinterest Image

Be more in control of the product listings and pages

Once you have successfully registered, the entire seller page and product listings will be able to deviate from Amazon’s usual algorithm. This allows you to modify and customize product pages according to how you want them to be.

If you’re wondering how it works, sellers can freely upload a photo on the Brand Registry page. Then, Amazon shall check their system if existing sellers or pages are using the logo or other relevant information on its platform. Hence, you will know if people are trying to hijack your brand or if someone is copying your logo and your product listings.

Collaborate with sponsors and work with branded content

Every brand looks forward to different opportunities for growing and collaborating with other brands and influencers. Not only does this help their business grow into a different height, but it allows them to help other brands and people as well.

Signing up with the Amazon Brand Protection Program helps businesses increase their conversion rates and product sales through the feature called Enhanced Brand Content. Any registered company may access the listing templates, images in the product description area, improved interface with the text, and other features through this tool. Plus, this raises more brand awareness and increases search engine rankings in search results.

How to enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry

If you got enticed about enrolling in the Brand Protection Program, read on as we share how you can register and protect your business and your niche!

  1. Make sure you review the eligibility requirements for your business.
    1. Your brand needs to have a registered active text or a trademark (image/design mark).
    2. Place the text or trademark on a visible area when you pack the products for shipping.
    3. Please review the country-specific requirements here before starting the registration process.
  2. Go onto Amazon Brand Registry
    1. Applicants need to submit directly and not through a third-party.
    2. When you meet the necessary eligibility requirements, log in using your Seller or Vendor Central login credentials. If you don’t have one yet, you can always register on Amazon.
  3. Lastly, enroll your brand!
    1. Once you have successfully logged into your account, Amazon will verify the information you have submitted. When they see that these are valid, you will be accepted to the program.


Putting up your own business on an eCommerce platform encompasses various challenges. One of those challenges includes the possibility of being hijacked. The first thing that businesses check when they suspect hijacking is to see if they’re using the same logo and even the same words for the product listings and pages. This is more detrimental to the business, especially if you designed and made the logo, shot the photos, and curated the products on the seller page.

When you encounter a hijacking, you may opt to write to the hijackers a letter expressing your intent to file for legal action if they fail to take down the listing/s as soon as possible. Otherwise, send the report to Amazon immediately. Another thing that you may do is to conduct a test transaction with this seller and report to Amazon when the parcel arrives.

Protecting your business is your top priority, as hijacking affects the entire brand, not just the sales. Fraud harms all kinds of businesses, and you should not let this hinder you from succeeding.

What are you waiting for? Protect your Amazon business now!

Author’s Bio

Jayce_-_Seller_Interactive_-_Managing_DirectorJayce is the managing director of Seller Interactive, an Amazon full service marketing agency dedicated towards helping brands grow on Amazon. His content marketing expertise has led him to work with brands such as Toyota and GoDaddy, producing content that reached over 20M views in a month. He is on a journey to help D2C brands scale their business on Amazon.

Tarik Ozkan

Tarik Ozkan

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