Some great Amazon Product Photography Examples you’ll want to copy

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Some great Amazon Product Photography Examples you’ll want to copy featured image

People no longer trust words; they trust pictures.

They say a photograph is worth a thousand words, I ask myself, what else do they say?

In my opinion, it’s not about the look; it’s about the feel. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, no one else will ever be able to feel anything while looking at your pictures.

The same is the case for eCommerce photography.

For any online store, images are the most impactful sales tool. Why, because they convince a customer in making a purchase. The power of photography is immense for anyone who is looking to boost his online business.

Surviving without good photography in the e-commerce world is minimal. One reason is the intense competition, while the other one is due to the change in customer behavior as they look for a clearer sight for every product.

Amazon Product Photography

For Amazon, Product Photography is more than important. It is an integral part of the A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm because it directly affects the CTR and CR of a product.

The best photographs for Amazon are the one that increases CTR and drives results for your business; the rest is just trash.

photographs that increases CTR

When taking photographs for Amazon, think your listing as curb appeal for a house. Believe it or not, the outer look holds much stronger value than the actual or the inner part.

I have gathered some of the most brilliant product images that have worked precisely in my Amazon business. The collection includes both common and uncommon practices by Amazon sellers in their listings. You can find the technique and strategy following the images.

Dimension Images

Dimension Images

One reason why you might be losing a big chunk of revenue is that you’re neglecting the dimension images. Not just for Amazon, but for every e-commerce, dimensions are momentous.

Why, because dimensions add clarity to the buyers about the product size which they’re looking to buy.

Dimensions add clarity to the buyer

Often, buyers are confused about the dimensions which stop them from making a purchase. This is where you lose. Strikingly in a hot market, you need to do everything to make your product more visible and stronger to the buyers. Dimensions can be a great way to do it.

Images with dimensions are most likely to increase sales, reduce returns, and bad reviews.

It happens many a time in Amazon selling that customers aren’t sure about the product size, and upon receiving the wrong size, they leave a bad comment. This is something that dimension images can truly prevent.

The above picture is an ideal example of illustrating dimensions in the images.

Comparison Chart

Comparison chart image

Highly common and yet fruitful, comparison charts are perfect for giving any listing a competitive edge in Amazon. The look of the chart matters a lot as it should present a real comparison of your product.

Comparison really drives results in Amazon because it gives your product an advantage over your competitor. It should be noted that the content in the comparison chart should be relevant and precise.

Before And After Images

Before And After Images are almost everywhere in the e-commerce Industry. Believe it or not, they convert so well on Amazon.

Before and after images

Before and after images widely used in marketing are mostly used in the fitness realm. There is a whole psychology behind these images that has made them so successful.

Ask any salesman about his finest marketing technique; he will tell you that persuading a customer that the product can deliver results to them by using evidence is the most effective way of getting an immediate conversion.

Secondly, before and after images let you control your story. It makes things clear to the viewer that this product will help him solve this problem. This is a great trigger that has worked very well for marketers in the past and is still very effective to this day.

There is a reason why you get confused while buying different fashion stuff. Why, because you don’t know how will it look on you? If the shop takes the help of this technique, you’re most likely to make a sound decision.

Last, but not least, in order to create an impact, you have to show the customer how bad it was and how good it is now. As in the above picture, the sellers are showing the customer how bad the shoulder pain was and how good it is now.

This really creates a powerful impact on the viewer, which increases your chances of getting a quick conversion. After all, Photography is something your business should really care about.

In Amazon, they work like nothing else. If you have been neglecting before and after images, you should definitely start using them for your listings.

Of course, shoots like these will take more energy and time, but it will be worth your time.

Remember, hard work isn’t always the best feature unless it creates value. Otherwise, there is no point.

Complete Packaging

Now, this is not so common among Amazon sellers.

Of course, you will only go with these images if you’re offering something extra.

This is the best way to convince your customers that you’re giving more in less. If you look closely at the image, they have presented the package in a very precise and adequate manner and that even on a white background is sheering elegance to the overall product.

Complete packaging images can do wonders for your conversion rate (CR) if you do them rightly. In my opinion, this should only be done on a white background because it prevents distraction from the main theme.

Complete packaging

Images with emotions

Images with emotion

If you look closely at the picture, you’ll realize how the emotions of the target market (Mothers) are inclined with the image.

The baby is shown happy playing with the toys, which is basically convincing the parents in making a purchase. The image is a perfect example of a beautiful illustration of emotions and target market adjoin together.

In Amazon, you have to be in the shoes of your customers to make an impact. If you don’t, someone else will.

Main Image

main image

The main image in Amazon has to be on the white background to avoid distraction from the product. White backgrounds are very much successful in the e-commerce world because they increase the viewers’ focus on the main product while reducing any kind of distraction. As in colorful backgrounds, chances of distractions are normally high.

Lifestyle images

lifestyle images

The importance of lifestyle images in Amazon is immense because it enhances your listing by developing a strong connection between you and your customer.

It’s all about placing the product in an environment where it would mostly be used. It helps the shoppers in visualizing the featured product in their own lives, which creates excitement about the product and hence lets them make a purchase.

Note; you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on creating a lifestyle image. Of course, your first thought would be hiring a model, style their makeup, purchase the ideal clothing, light the scene, and then setting up the product in the shot.

This is not what you’re required to do. Because an ideal shot will cost you a minimum of $1000 which doesn’t make sense at all. So how do we do it?

There are many ways to create a lifestyle image. One way of doing it is through the Photo Compositing Method, which uses the stock photo and lighting to create the ideal effect. The above picture is an ideal example of creating a lifestyle image through this method.

In order to perform this technique, you need a professional photographer and designer who could match the angles and light properly. Luckily, we have both of these talents here at AMZ One Step

Amazon Enhanced Brand Content also known as A+ Content leaderboard banner

Zoom In Images

Zoom In Images

Remember, customer want to see every bit of your product. Zoom in Images aren’t very common in the Amazon world, but many sellers have started using them in their listings and have reported improved results.

This is simply a great way of visualizing your product features as it allows the customers to see every bit of the product. Moreover, you can show the most important parts of your product that can make a difference in the customers’ minds.

Every image in your listing is an opportunity for you to get a sale. After all, it’s all about the 9 images that do most of the job for you in Amazon.

3D Images/Infographics

3D ImagesInfographics

If your product is a bit complex and hard to understand, it is less likely to get any conversion or sales. In this case, 3D images can be your best partner.

Even if you’re facing difficulty in creating an image that could visualize a unique feature of your product, 3D images can work great for this case as well.

A well-designed infographic with a 3D image will add extravagance to your listing and will manipulate your chances of getting more conversions and sales.

As a matter of fact, Infographics have always been the best companion of Amazon sellers because they define the in-depth details of the product. To be sure, they convert so well!

The 3D images are rare in the Amazon Industry, but few have started using it.

It’s all about moving towards new things that can give you a competitive edge in the industry.

Instruction Image

I would stay neutral on the question of whether the instruction images are better than zoom in Images. Most sellers believe that the customer knows how the product is used, so creating an instruction guide doesn’t make sense.

But to many critics, they are a great alternative to zoom-in images. Here is a perfect example of an Instruction image.

Instruction Image

Key Takeaways

No matter how low your pricings are and how good your content is, if your listings lack exciting images, you’re very likely to get a low conversion rate (CR). This not only resists you from getting sales but also reduce your product rankings on Amazon.

  1. Always add a dimension image in your listing to gain the confidence of the viewer and prevent negative feedback.
  2. The comparison chart is a must-have for a good listing. Make sure that the comparison is done on the right basis that could differentiate your product with your competitor. In short, it should make sense.
  3. If your product is more or less close to the fitness realm, you should definitely try before and after Images because it acts as a persuading ground for the customer by telling them how bad it was and how good it is now.
  4. If your product includes extra bonuses, you should definitely show it through a well-designed image.
  5. Adding emotions to the target market in the image is a great way to get quick sales. In short, you have to be in the shoes of your customers to persuade them toward your product.
  6. The main image should be on the white background, but you should add an extra bliss of creativity within that image.
  7. You can’t skip the need of the lifestyle image for your listing because it helps the shoppers in visualizing the product in their own lives, which creates excitement and hence help you get sales.
  8. When designing a zoom-in image, you should add precise text with the zoomed image that should be describing the absolute core features of your product. Since Amazon allows 9 images per listing, you can either go for Zoom in Images or with Instruction images as to whatever suits your product better.
  9. The 3D images are relatively new to Amazon and are adopted by a few. While 3D images have their advantages, it can really give you a competitive edge over the other sellers.

It’s less about taking good shots through different angles and lightings, while it’s more about making it reasonable for your products. Remember, there are always two people in an image: the photographer and the viewer. You should start seeing your images from the viewer’s perspective.

If your listing lacks good pictures, you can’t even get close to successful Amazon sellers. Therefore, it is safe to say that good Amazon product photography is the way forward to successful selling.

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