Picking the Right Company: How to Automate Your Sponsored Products Campaign

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Small business owners are drowning in their to-do lists. 72% of small business owners report feeling overwhelmed with their daily duties.

Digital marketing and advertising are supposed to make your life easier, as a business owner. You’ve already got so much to do. Do you really want to add one more task to that list?

Sponsored products are a wonderful way to get your listings noticed on Amazon. Automation is a simple way to help get your product listings in front of the right eyes. When it’s handled correctly, that is.

Here are some tips on how to automate sponsored product posts on Amazon.

How to Automate Your Sponsored Products Campaign

The ability to target very specific audiences is one of the greatest things about Amazon product services. With one of the largest dedicated user bases on Earth, it’s impossible to overstate the benefit of sponsored products for increasing brand awareness and earning dedicated new customers.

How Amazon Sponsored Products Work

Amazon recently expanded its sponsored product program. They’ve introduced several new keywords and targeting options to help interested parties find your sponsored products.

Think about a Google search. Do you know those products that appear at the top of the SERPs? Those are sponsored ads.

As one of the largest retailers on Earth, however, Amazon offers an unprecedented ability to reach interested consumers.

Amazon’s sponsored product listings have recently incorporated loose or close matches. This has been a holy grail of machine learning for some time. The algorithms and databases are finally getting sophisticated enough to recognize close matches rather than just exact searches.

They’ve also implemented ad substitutions. This shows your sponsored products to customers looking for products from your competitors.

How to Automate Your Sponsored Product Campaigns

Automation is essential for business owners looking to whittle down their to-do lists. One of the beautiful things about FBA businesses is they can turn a profit with very minimal work.

To automate your Amazon sponsored product campaign, you’re going to need to set some ground rules.

First, you’ll need to decide on your budget. Then you can set some rules to automate your sponsored posts.

You can automate your keyword bids in a variety of ways: increase your bids when your bid falls below the Advertising Cost Of Sale (ACoS) or you can also lower your bid if the ACoS gets too high.

Finally, you can pause a keyword altogether if it’s turning out not be profitable.

This way, you’re sure to not end up spending more than you need to get your sponsored products in front of customers ready, willing, and able to make a purchase.

Automating your sponsored product posts makes your workday as efficient as possible. You’ll be able to focus on working hard because you’re already working smart.

Looking for Amazon Automation Services?

We’re passionate about helping our customers master their Amazon account. With over 3,000 managed accounts spending over $8 million/month, our Amazon automation software will bring you everything you need to help your Amazon business flourish.

If you’re ready to take your sponsored products listings to the next level, find out how to get started today!

Also published on Medium.

Tarik Ozkan

Tarik Ozkan

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About Zon.Tools

Zon.Tools is a full-scope enterprise automation and management solution for Amazon Sponsored Products.
It is the fastest, most advanced Amazon PPC Automation tool currently on the market.
It automates all Sponsored Products best practices and is flexible/granular enough to adapt to any PPC strategy or goal.

Ignite your Amazon Sponsored Products Ads!

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