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Seller Central attribution

Sponsored Product (SP) Campaigns

  • Seller Central sales attribution is measured on a 7-day click-through attribution window. Meaning, if a user clicks on an ad, comes back up to 7 days later, and buys one of your products from your brand Amazon will attribute the sale to that campaign.
  • Sales are attributed only to the last ad the user clicked (last touch attribution model).
  • You pay for each click you receive
  • If the user clicks on your ad and buys ANY product within your catalog with the same brand name on it (not just the product featured in your SP ad), Amazon will attribute the sale to that campaign.

Note: Product Attribute Targeting attribution falls under the same rules as SP.

For example, if a shopper clicks your Sponsored Products Ad on January 29 and purchases the product on February 3, this order occurred 5 days after the click on your ad and would be counted in your sales total (Order7, Sales7, CR7, ACoS7) and attributed to and reported for January 29th click.

If the current date is February 5, a month-to-date time range would not include the sales data for clicks generated in January, but a Last 30 Days time range would include this sales data.

Sponsored Brand (SB) campaigns:

  • Sales are measured on 14-day click-through attribution window.
  • Sales are attributed only to the last campaign the user clicked (last touch attribution model).
  • You pay for each click you receive
  • If the user clicks on your ad and buys ANY product within your catalog with the same brand name on it (not just the product featured in your SB ad), Amazon will attribute the sale to that campaign.

Also published on Medium.

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