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  • Is your product indexed for the Keywords you are bidding on?
  • Is your product in Stock?
  • Is your product winning the Buy Box

The answer should be YES to all 3 above, otherwise, your ads will not receive any impressions.

Is there an error at the campaign or ad group level? This needs to be checked on Seller Central. Are your ads (products inside your Ad Groups) “Pending Review“, “Not Eligible“, “Error“, etc.

  • For “Pending Review“: The campaign/ad group is pending manual approval by Amazon. There’s no “normal” to manual reviews – just something they started implementing recently. It might take from a few hours to as much as a week.
  • For “Not Eligible“, “Error“, etc.: see 2 points below

When creating your PGN, have you added SKUs or ASINs? You HAVE to add SKUs. Amazon will ignore any ASIN added

Do you have active keywords? Check your PGN at KW level and see if you have Keywords and if they are active

Are you bidding high enough? If you are not receiving impressions, your bids might be too low. Although Bid Gambler will periodically raise your bids chasing the first click, you might speed up the process by increasing your bids manually

Is your Auto Campaign bid too low? If your Auto Campaign ACoS is way higher than your target Max ACoS, we will drop the bid, and sometimes our calculated bid might be too low to gain impressions

  • if this is the case, you can edit “Min Bid” to a value you feel comfortable with. This will set a “floor” so that Auto-Mate will never bid below it.

Are you bidding on the same terms in other campaigns? Amazon algorithm likes history and will prefer to give the impression to an older keyword

Is the product still in the same sub-category or did it get moved? Categories affect which product can win the impression

Having said this, we have an automation that is specifically designed to periodically raise your bids until you achieve your first click.

If any of this doesn’t work, try choosing “Fixed Bids” (Seller Central, Campaign Settings) and see if this helps

Also published on Medium.

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