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Remember, you can always use Advanced Search. So, let’s search all the campaigns that have an Ad Spend greater than 10000. Let’s see what we would find. We got only three results, which is fine. So, we save it.

Because for this campaign, you would not lower the budget for some reasons, you can simply select all or some of them. Click Bulk ActionsClick Change Budget. You can change each single campaign budget to a fixed number.

Select –Change to. For example, the budget is changed to $100.

For +Increase Amount, we will increase each of this campaign’s budget by $100. So, we will simply add $100 to whatever amount you have there.

For +Increase Percentage 100, it means that we will increase your budget by 100%. We will double your budget. For example, if it is $100, it will become $200.

For –Decrease Amount, we will subtract. We will subtract $100 or 100 units from whatever your budget is right now.

The last one is –Decrease Percentage 100 which decreases the budget by 100%.

These are the selectors. You can clear them out.

You can also change the State where you can enable it as we did before.

You can  Archive all of them. In case you choose to archive all of them, we have a pop-up warning you that if you archive this, you can never enable them anymore. If you click OK, we will enable the Archive.

You can assign the Premium Bid to them or not.

Just for this case, let’s change our budget to $123. Remove Enabled in State select Yes in Premium Bid,  then click Apply Bulk Action.

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