20% Bid Change Rate, Now Dynamic.

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You Can Now Adjust

Auto-Mate & Bid Gambler's
20% Change Rate

  • AM 3.0 can now move toward the optimal bid with daily increments or decrements of 0% to 100% per day instead of fixed 20%. 

  • Bid Gambler can now increase the bid periodically up to 100% more of the current bid, each time until the first click.

  • Assign bid change rate at PGN creation

  • Adjust bid change rate with the edit rule configuration


I. We recommend the default 20% change rate to consider data delay and sales attribution. However, you can adjust to increase or decrease the speed of bid change until it reaches the calculated optimal bid.


II. You can individually assign the change rate at PGN, Campaign, and Ad group level rule configuration or even down to keyword or target level custom rules.


III. Change Rate does not affect the AMOUNT of bid we calculate, it just specifies how fast we reach to the optimal bid from the current bid. 1% is the slowest bid change rate where 100% is the fastest way to reach the new calculated bid.


IV. Putting 0% will disable Automate and Bid Gambler Automation.


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Tarik Ozkan

Tarik Ozkan

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