Bidding Automation for Targets

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We don’t have shiny graphs yet (we will have soon anyway) but we covered what makes money for you.

We now are the first platform to offer you a fully automated experience for the new EAT and PAT targets.

NEW Live Features on All Accounts!

  • Target Miner: mining of good ASINs
  • ASIN-Ator: negating of bad ASINs (yes, we c n negate from Auto Ad-Groups too!!)
  • Auto-Mate: is now working on any Product Targets with assigned rules!

Yes, from now on we got you 100% covered, both within the PGN 2.0 and on any PAT campaign outside with our proven dynamic bidding automation.

Other Recent Updates:

  • ADD KW big button fixed
  • ADD SKU big button fixed
  • Updated some alerts to have more descriptive information
  • Exclude top-level category in CATEGORY Ad Group at PGN 2.0 Creation
  • Left Menu renewed (you can now log in to Admin back end without a double login)
  • Product Targets: if clicked open on Amazon Product Page
  • Negative Target: if clicked open on Amazon Product Page
  • Customer Search Term: if clicked open on Amazon Search Page
  • Keywords: if clicked open on Amazon Search Page
  • Negative Keywords: if clicked open on Amazon Search Page
  • Refined Category and Brands: if clicked open on Amazon Search Page
NOTE: all external links have our associate tag
What’s Next:
  • Pushing PAT campaign to Legacy PGN (ETA: 7 days)
  • Auto-Mate 2.0, for better bidding automation that will cover all match types (ETA: 14 days)

We're always looking for the next BIG Idea!

If you have a fantastic idea for us, then we’re all ears.

We’re always on the lookout for fresh ideas to improve our current features and to create brand-new ones. 
Especially if it builds on what we already have.

At Zon.Tools we live and breathe our core brand values, and all new features or ideas need to reflect these values.

  • Must Save Time
  • Must Save Money
  • Must Make Make More Money whilst Saving Time
  • Must Improve Structure
  • Tested, not Guru regurgitated

So if you think you have an idea that fits the bill and has the potential to become a major help in your workflow or how you optimize your PPC, we would love to hear from you!

Also published on Medium.

Tarik Ozkan

Tarik Ozkan

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About Zon.Tools

Zon.Tools is a full-scope enterprise automation and management solution for Amazon Sponsored Products.
It is the fastest, most advanced Amazon PPC Automation tool currently on the market.
It automates all Sponsored Products best practices and is flexible/granular enough to adapt to any PPC strategy or goal.

Ignite your Amazon Sponsored Products Ads!

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