You Can Now Bring Up to Date Your Legacy PGNs!

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PGN Repair Tool

Update your old PGNs (bring them up to PGN 2.0) adding a PAT campaign and it’s 4 Ad Groups:

  • ASIN

You can also use this on already existing PGN 2.0 in order to update your price/rating segmenting of you BRAND and CATEGORY Ad Groups (remember to archive “old” targets first!).

Or revisit PGNs for which you have previously excluded some Ad Groups (see below).

PAT Exclusion Toggle

You can now create new PGNs without some or all of the PAT targets.

NOTE: We will still create the Ad Groups, but will not automatically fill them..

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Also published on Medium.

Tarik Ozkan

Tarik Ozkan

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