Finally! On the Fly Bidding for Exact Match

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Important points:
  • Any NEW Campaign (created after 4th June) whether created on Seller Central or on Zon.Tools is now by default fully automated with Auto-Mate 3.0, including Exact match keywords
  • Any existing Campaign or PGN is still working the way it used to:
    – Auto-Mate 3.0 for Targets, Phrase, Broad
    – Keyword Guardian, Keyword Recycler, Big Nailer (Legacy Exact Automation) for Exact
  • You will now see a “Legacy Exact Automation” toggle that will allow you to switch any Exact keyword or campaign between AM 3.0 and the Legacy Exact Automation (KWG, KWR, BN)

You have now the flexibility to do one of these 3 things:

  1. rely on Zon.Tools automation the same way it has been up to today
  2. leverage AM 3.0 (on the fly bidding) on all your keyword and targets
  3. hybrid approach: use the Legacy Exact Automation on your first level exact ad groups and simply apply on the fly bidding on your first TEST ad group level

You will find the Toggle:

  • on the Rules pop-up
  • on keyword Bulk Action
  • at PGN creation
Easily switch between bidding strategy, when you need, the way you need, as granular as at Keyword level

We advise you to enable all your paused EXACT keywords (after setting proper Max. ACoS) and toggle “Legacy Exact Automation” so to take full advantage of AM 3.0.

Check our latest update to know more about how AM 3.0 works: 

Or our Rule’s Parameter page to have an overall view on all our automations:

Have a feature request? Post your Feature Request Here


Also published on Medium.

Tarik Ozkan

Tarik Ozkan

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