Finally! On the Fly Bidding for Phrase and Broad Matches

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Few important points:

  • AM 3.0 is applying bid adjustment at the TARGET level (including new AUTO), PHRASE and BROAD keywords, and still at ad group level for legacy AUTOcampaigns.
  • We are only applying Auto-Mate 3.0 to enabled entities (whether B, P or T).
  • Bidding will be limited by your Min. Bid and Max. Bid settings, and calculated based on your Target ACoS and likelihood of conversion.
  • In the presence of sales, AM 3.0 will never Increase nor Decrease your bid more than 20%/day
  • In the absence of sales, if the Target or Keyword hit “Max Spend”, AM 3.0 will set its bid to “Min Bid”
  • If a sale is registered, and clicks are still below “Min. Action Clicks”, AM 3.0 will revert to the previous bid
  • We will NOT pause or enable the PHRASE and BROAD matches anymore.

If you pause a Target, B or P Keyword, we will NOT reenable it, regardless of your target ACoS;
If a Keyword is enabled, AM 3.0 will simply adjust bid up or down based on your ACoS goals (Max. ACoS), or set the bid to Min. Bid in case the keyword hits Max. Spend without sales.

You can now laser focus on specific P and B keywords that are highly relevant and have a high volume of searches per month, and keep them running at whatever “Min. Bid” you want while having the software mine and negate based on your other thresholds (Max. ACoS, Max Spend).

This will allow you to move the focus away from the keyword level and put it where I believe the focus should be: at the Customer Search Term level.

This is a powerful strategy that each of you should use on your big seed keywords.

Auto-Mate, in its 3rd iteration, is a way more complete automation and a key feature to have if you are serious about Amazon PPC.

We advise you to enable all your paused BROAD and PHRASE keywords (after setting proper Max. ACoS) so to take advantage of AM 3.0.

The following changes in other rules occurred:

  • KeyWord Guardian and KeyWord Recycler: Now they apply only to EXACT match (including TEST)
  • Bid Nailer: Now it will apply only to EXACT match (excluding TEST)
  • Bid Gambler: Now it also applies to Targets

Thank youGeoffrey, for this great feature request

(credits of the idea, strategy and pretty much email copy to him)!

Also published on Medium.

Tarik Ozkan

Tarik Ozkan

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